What’s So Bad About Sin?

Christians still talk about sin. The world has moved on, or at least it’s trying to move on. But we still talk about sin. As the world tries to move on from sin, it preaches acceptance. But it’s acceptance without forgiveness, and so it gives no peace. Concerning those things that Scripture classifies as sins,… Read More ›

New Midweek Plan for this Fall

For the past several months, the deacons and the church council have been discussing a new Wednesday program to begin this fall. We will be joining forces with our sister church in East Grand Forks, Christ the King Free Lutheran Church. A steering committee between the two churches was set up to develop a plan…. Read More ›

Thy and Us

Have you ever noticed that there are two distinct sections of the Lord’s Prayer? Our Father, who art in heaven, Hallowed be Thy name; Thy kingdom come; Thy will be done one earth, as it is in heaven; Give us this day our daily bread; And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who… Read More ›

More Than We Ask or Think

Sometimes in passages there are little side lessons. They’re not the main point, so in sermons I usually don’t get the chance to mention them. Sometimes I even write them out, but in the end they don’t really fit, so they usually get cut. In the gospels, they often have to do with prayer. We… Read More ›

God and Caesar

It’s tax season. More importantly, it’s also holy week. During Holy Week, as the Jewish leaders were trying to find an excuse to arrest Jesus, they set a trap for him. They asked him if it is lawful to pay taxes to Caesar or not (Mark 12:13-17). If Jesus said, “Yes,” it would anger the… Read More ›

Devil Worship

I have a neighbor who likes to talk. Occasionally I see him and greet him across the fence. Sometimes it’s just to see how he’s doing. Sometimes it’s because I’m concerned about a tree branch. First I ask him how he’s doing. Then he tells me his political views. Regardless of the level of government… Read More ›

The Fear of Death

While on vacation this summer, I helped my parents put new siding on their house. The worst part was the chase around the chimney. It was (of course) on the tall side of the house, and it intersected with the roofline. So I was standing on three levels of scaffolding, swaying in the wind, and… Read More ›

Tips for Attending Church Online

1) Get ready for church, just as you normally do. Take a shower, put on a nice shirt, etc. You can skip the “We’re going to be late” panic. 2) Go to our website early (about 10:00 instead of 10:30) so you can download the bulletin, print it if you like a paper copy, and… Read More ›