Upcoming Events
Wednesday, 6:00-7:45 pm: "Faith, Family, Food, and Fellowship" @ Christ the King, EGF. There is a free meal for all, followed by kids group, youth group, and adult Bible study.
7:45 pm: Confirmation class
Sunday: 7:30 am: “Sermons from Trinity” on KNOX 1310/107.9
10:00 am: Service of the Word
11:15 am: Sunday school for all ages
Let us all pray for the blessings of God to overcome the pain, suffering, and untimely deaths in our nation, and our world.
Famine and war and hurricane and drought. Our God and our Lord Jesus Christ are ever present to provide for all our needs.
Jesus is the Way, the Truth, and the Life.
He is the Living Word. Amen.