Fifth Sunday in Lent

March 17, 2024

Bible Text: Hebrews 5:1-10 |

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Upcoming Events

Monday, 7:00 pm: Council meeting

Tuesday, 1:00 pm: Quilting

Wednesday, 6:00 pm: Supper
7:00 pm: Lenten service
No confirmation

Sunday, 10:00 am: Service of the Word
11:15 am: Sunday school

June 3-7: Men’s Boundary Waters canoe trip

June 12-15: AFLC Annual Conference, Plymouth, MN

July 16-21: Wilderness Family Bible Camp, Lake Park, MN

July 28-August 2: Teen Bible Camp, FaHoCha Bible Camp

August 4-8: Preteen Bible Camp, FaHoCha Bible Camp

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