Sermons by Book: John
Fourth Sunday in Lent
Bible Text: Ephesians 2:1-10 | Speaker: Pastor Dan Antal
Fourth Wednesday in Lent
Third Sunday in Lent
Bible Text: John 2:13-25 | Speaker: Pastor Dan Antal
Third Sunday in Advent
Bible Text: John 1:6-8, 19-28 | Speaker: Pastor Dan Antal
Seventh Sunday of Easter
Bible Text: John 17:1-11 | Speaker: Pastor Dan Antal
Fifth Sunday of Easter
Bible Text: John 14:1-14 | Speaker: Pastor Dan Antal
Fourth Sunday of Easter
Bible Text: John 10:1-11 | Speaker: Pastor Dan Antal
Second Sunday of Easter
Bible Text: John 20:19-31 | Speaker: Pastor Dan Antal
Fifth Sunday in Lent
Bible Text: John 11:1-53 | Speaker: Pastor Dan Antal