The Shepherd, the Door, and the Lamb 05/03/20 Watch Listen Notes Bible Text: John 10:1-11 | Speaker: Pastor Dan Antal
It’s All About Jesus 04/26/20 Watch Listen Notes Bible Text: Luke 24:13-35 | Speaker: Pastor Dan Antal
The Crucified One Lives 04/12/20 Watch Listen Bible Text: Matthew 28:1-10 | Speaker: Pastor Dan Antal
Deliverance from Unbelief 04/01/20 Watch Listen Bible Text: Mark 14:26-31, 66-72; 16:6-7 | Speaker: Pastor Dan AntalSeries: The Lord's Prayer
The Resurrection and the Life 03/29/20 Watch Listen Bible Text: John 11:1, 17-53 | Speaker: Pastor Dan Antal
Forgiveness 03/25/20 Watch Bible Text: Matthew 18:15-35 | Speaker: Pastor Dan AntalSeries: The Lord's Prayer