Worth the Suffering

April 19, 2020

Bible Text: Acts 5:27-42 |

Download the bulletin.

Order a hymnal for your home.

Upcoming Events

Wednesday, 7:00 pm: Bible study on Hebrews (online). Contact Pastor Antal for the link.

Sunday, 10:30 am: Divine Worship (live stream).


Pastor Antal is continuing regular office hours (approximately 9-5, Tuesday-Friday). Call ahead if you wish to be certain to catch him.

Holy Communion is available by appointment. Contact Pastor Antal to schedule an appointment for you or your family.

If you are aware of anyone who does not have internet access and would like a CD or DVD of our worship services, please contact pastor Antal.

If you are in need of assistance during this time, or if you know of any members of Trinity who are, please contact Pastor Antal or one of the deacons. This is an important time to take care of our own.

You may check out a hymnal (or hymnals) from the church to use during this time. Simply sign your name on the sheet and the number of hymnals borrowed. If you do not have a key, you may come during pastor's office hours.

The Lutheran Ambassador has made the April edition free for all online. https://issuu.com/lutheranambassador/docs/april_2020_issuu. They are also requesting email addresses for all subscribers just in case their printer is forced to close and they are unable to mail print copies for a time. You can contact them at lasubscriptions@aflc.org.

I (pastor) can’t get sharing buttons to work on this page. If you want to share this service on Facebook, Twitter, text, email, etc., you will need to copy and paste the URL from your browser’s address bar.

Micah Blake, a senior at the Free Lutheran Bible College, is planning to transfer to UND next fall and is looking for a room to rent. For more information, contact Pastor Antal.

Other announcements? Post them in the comments section.

16 thoughts on “Worth the Suffering

  1. Good morning, everyone! We hope everyone is remaining healthy. We look forward to the day we can all be together again at church. Wendy and Kerwin Sletto

  2. Good morning. So good to worship with you all today! May Jesus be with us all this week as we remain steadfast in the faith. Be safe! Karen Knudsvig

  3. Thanks for the great service! Those Easter lilies look great too! Thinking perhaps you could show us your family quickly at the end of the service. We miss them too!

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