The Cause of Sin

Why do we sin? We do things that we know are wrong. Many times, we even know the risks or dangers that accompany our sins. We can do the moral math, but we do a thing anyway. For example, maybe you insult a person. You know it’s hurtful and wrong. You know there’s nothing to… Read More ›

Original Sin

What do you think about when you hear the word “sin”? Do you think about the sinful things you have done? Do you think about the sinful things other people have done? Maybe it’s the things they have done to you, or maybe it’s the sinful activities that are becoming more and more common in… Read More ›

What’s So Bad About Sin?

Christians still talk about sin. The world has moved on, or at least it’s trying to move on. But we still talk about sin. As the world tries to move on from sin, it preaches acceptance. But it’s acceptance without forgiveness, and so it gives no peace. Concerning those things that Scripture classifies as sins,… Read More ›


As we continue to look at worship—what it is and why we do what we do when we gather on Sunday mornings—we now come to the confession of sins. Our corporate confession and absolution (just a fancy word for “forgiveness”) is the briefest snapshot of what worship is all about. It is poor sinners confessing… Read More ›